Developer API Documentation

Please note that this data contains personal data. If processing falls within the scope of the General Data Protection Regulation, or the Data Protection Act 2018, you will become a data controller and must comply with the data protection legislation.

Any use of address data which is not specified in Royal Mail’s copyright notice or covered by one of the copyright exceptions will require an appropriate license.

General Informational API

Find information on the Energy Performance Certificates data set as a whole, such as the date of last update, with our API. [read more]

Domestic Energy Performance Certificates API

Search for and lookup domestic Energy Performance Certificates with our API. [read more]

Non-domestic Energy Performance Certificates API

Search for and lookup non-domestic Energy Performance Certificates with our API. [read more]

Display Energy Performance Certificates API

Search for and lookup display Energy Performance Certificates with our API. [read more]

Data Schemas

Our downloads include CSVW Schemas, that describe all the columns in our data. [read more]

OpenAPI v3 & Swagger UI

We now supply OpenAPI schemas and a Swagger interface for all of our Energy Performance Certificate APIs. [read more]