Energy Performance of Buildings Data:
England and Wales

Access to Energy Performance Certificates and Display Energy Certificates data for buildings in England and Wales. Searchable, browsable and downloadable individually or in bulk. Register now for access to the data.

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The Energy Performance of Buildings Register (the register) is the official place for all Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), Display Energy Certificates (DECs) and Air Conditioning Inspection Reports (ACIRs).

The open data published on this website has been made available for data analysis to enable independent research into energy efficiency issues such as fuel poverty and climate change. The department has chosen only to publish data from 1 October 2008. The open data should not be relied upon to check if a valid EPC has been produced on sale or rent of a building, if a DEC has been produced for a public authority building over a certain size or if an ACIR has been produced for an air conditioning system.

To check for compliance with all regulatory and legal requirements the definitive source of EPCs, DECs and ACIRs is the register and not the data published on this website.

The frequency of publications has changed, Energy Performance Certificates are now updated monthly.

Data included in this site

The Energy Performance Certificates dataset was updated on 03 Oct 2024 and includes certificates issued up to and including 31 Aug 2024.

On 20 September 2020 the register transitioned to All data before that date was provided from the Landmark register.

We have carefully considered the privacy risks to individuals in the disclosure of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) data. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) has published a data privacy impact assessment (DPIA) to identify and minimise the data protection risk. This DPIA will be kept under review. Display Energy Certificate data relating to public authority buildings is not personal data in this regard.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to sign up?
The data available contains personal information covered by the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation, as well as data under a restrictive licence. DLUHC is required to confirm that users have understood and agreed to these, as well as collecting the details of those who have requested access.

How can I use the data?
The guidance notes provide some background on this data release. If you're a software developer, we have an API for accessing the data programmatically.

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